Our Governors

The Local Governing Body (LGB)

The LGB is a body of people appointed to work in St Matthew’s and to manage the school on behalf of Chester Diocesan Academies' Trust (CDAT). The headteacher is accountable to the LGB and, in turn, the LGB is accountable to CDAT.

The role of the LGB is to provide strategic management and to support the work of the headteacher and other staff in school. The headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school.

The LGB monitors the school’s progress and is responsible for ensuring the children of St Matthew’s get the best education possible. This includes holding the headteacher to account for effective teaching and learning across the school and managing the budget to support this.

Members of the LGB

Alan Hodgkinson (Chair)

Stephen Murphy (Headteacher)

Jeb Beatty (Community Governor)

Sara Woolrich (Vice Chair)

Rachel McDonald (Staff Governor)

Paul Stoddard (Parent Governor)

Kim Spooner (Clerk to the Governing Body)

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