Year 2 2024 - 2025

Miss Dolan


Welcome to Year 2!

At St Matthew's, we use School Spider to communicate with our parents and carers, keeping you informed about important news and upcoming events. 



Year 2 will be attending PE sessions every Monday and Tuesday, so please send your child to school wearing the appropriate PE kit on those days (a white t-shirt/top, black shorts/trousers, a school jumper, long hair tied back, no jewellery and suitable footwear).

If your child suffers from asthma, please make sure there is an in-date inhaler in school at all times.




Please continue to support your child at home by reading with them as frequently as possible. To engage your child, feel free to make use of the interactive resources and games attached below.

Your child's reading book will be changed weekly and they will be assessed on their progress each half term to ensure they are accessing books suitable for their level of ability.




Please read with your child at least three times a week to accelerate their development and progress aross the curriculum. Remember, reading should provide a source of pleasure and escapism. This does not only apply to traditional books but may involve exploring a range of materials including comics, picture texts and even online games. 


Should you wish to see what your child will be learning about across the year, please download the 'Year 2 Long Term Overview'.


Thank you very much for your continued support.


Yours sincerely,

The Year 2 Team - Miss Dolan, Mrs Phelan and Miss Gregory


Files to Download

Year 2: News items

Afterschool care, by Mrs Rimmer

Year 2: Blog items

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Year 2: Gallery items

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Year 2: Calendar items

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