Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Beecher
Mrs Hardy
Welcome to the St Matthew's Primary School Year 4 Class Page
At St Matthew's, we use Class Dojo as a parent/school communication tool. It will have all the most recent class work, updates, news and events. Please check this regularly.
Our P.E. days are every Wednesday and Thursday. On these days, please send your child to school in their PE kit (preferably their outdoor kit: black jogging bottoms; a white t-shirt; trainers and a school jumper).
As a skill, which will broaden your child’s horizons, reading continues to be a big focus at St. Matthew's. It is important for your child to take their reading book home and bring it back to school every day.
Your child will have a reading book tailored to their ability, which they will read frequently in school, both independently and with an adult. Every week, they will participate in a whole-class, comprehension-focused active reading session as well as daily reading detective sessions.
What will your child be learning?
In Year 4, we will cover a wide range of exciting, captivating units of work, including the ‘Rotten Romans’ in history and ‘Sound’ in science. Please see the Year 4 Long Term Overview attached below for further details.
This year, all children will be expected to read 3 to 4 times a week at home, either independently, or with an adult. The more children read, the better their understanding of the world and the broader their repertoire of vocabulary. Being a confident reader enables children to access the entire curriculum and propels them to success - children who read, succeed!
It is also important for your child to continue practising their multiplication skills, by accessing Times Table Rock Stars 2 to 3 times a week from home (children have been provided with login details). This will facilitate their ability to achieve in their Friday times table test.
Statutory Assessments in Year 4
At the end of Year 4, a statutory multiplication check will be undertaken. This is a computer-based test, in which your child will have six seconds to answer each question. The test will assess each of the times tables, up to 12 X 12. You can support your child with preparing for this by using Times Table Rock Stars at home and completing the multiplication activities attached below.
Thank you for your continued support and communication this year. Please do not hesitate to contact one of the Year 4 team, should you have any queries.
Mrs Beecher, Mrs Hardy, Mrs Harper, Miss Costin and Miss Awan
Files to Download
Year 4: News items
Afterschool care, by Mrs Rimmer
New communication/payment system, by Mrs Rimmer