Religious Education

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RE at St Matthew's

School Motto


Through our RE curriculum, we aim: engage pupils in enquiring into and exploring questions arising from the study of religion and belief, so as to promote their personal, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; provide learners with knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other principal religious traditions and beliefs represented in Great Britain; develop their understanding of the ways in which beliefs influence people in their behaviour, practices and outlook; enable learners to apply the insights of the principal religious traditions to their own search for identity and significance; enable learners to become aware of their own beliefs and values and to have a positive attitude to the search for meaning and purpose in life; encourage learners to develop a positive attitude towards other people who hold religious beliefs different from their own.

At St. Matthew’s we follow the Blackburn 'Questful' RE scheme of work.  These schemes are based on Christian theological concepts. Each concept is built on progressively from Reception to Year 6.

RE is taught on a weekly basis, but is sometimes delivered through a class unit of work. 

Lessons are planned and delivered in a variety of ways, ensuring that all children can access and participate in lessons. Interactive, practical activities encourage the children to discuss their ideas and extend their understanding of difficult concepts and challenging questions.  Opportunities to visit our local church and other places of worship are encouraged to extend pupils’ learning and experiences of RE.

Pupils’ progress in RE is based on the expected outcomes outlined in the and in the Blackburn scheme of work. 

We track individual pupils' progress in this way, whilst also bearing in mind that the statements do not cover all aspects of teaching and learning in RE; for example, a pupil’s personal views and ideas are not subject to formal assessment, and yet are central to good RE.

Progress in RE is reported annually to parents and has a prominent position in the end of year report.

RE at St Matthew’s develops pupils’:

1.knowledge and understanding of, and their ability to respond to, Christianity, other principal world religions, other religious traditions and world views;

2.understanding and respect for different religions, beliefs, values and traditions (including ethical life stances), through exploring issues within and between faiths;

3.understanding of the influence of faith and belief on individuals, societies, communities and cultures;

4.skills of enquiry and response through the use of religious vocabulary, questioning and empathy;

5.skills of reflection, expression, application, analysis and evaluation of beliefs, values and practices, and the communication of personal responses to these.

6.sense of identity and belonging, preparing them for life as citizens in a plural, global society;

7.ability to consider challenging questions of the meaning and purpose of life; beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human;

8.make links between religious stories and practices and their own lives and the lives of people in their community.


To see what we get up to at Shine Club with Mrs Simon, follow the link here.

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