Design and Technology


Design Technology at St Matthew's

School Motto


Statement of Curriculum Intent 
At St. Matthew’s we encourage our children to be problem-solvers and innovators. Our D&T curriculum provides our pupils with the opportunity to explore a range of relevant and real problems in a variety of contexts in a creative, imaginative and practical way. These skills are applied in a cross-curricular manner in maths, science, computing and art. Children are introduced to the work of great and notable inventors, designers and architects to help develop knowledge and vocabulary linked to skills. Children are encouraged to evaluate their work independently and collaboratively.

Statement of Implement
In order to deliver a high-quality D&T curriculum, we have high expectations of our pupils and deliver quality planning and monitoring of the subject through a range of methods such as demonstrations, pupil voice, staff voice and CPD opportunities. We have two projects a year, each project begins with a design brief to give the children purpose and context to their design process. 

Statement of Impact
Our children develop problem-solving skills, which they apply throughout their time at St. Matthew’s and beyond. The children are provided with the opportunity to celebrate their own success and that of their peers.

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