Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mrs Simon
Welcome to the St Matthew's Primary School Year 5 Class Page
Together, we work hard and try our best. We work hard to improve our work in all areas and nurture our own learning and that of our classmates through collaborative and group work. We love all of the curriculum but some of our favourite subjects are Maths, Science, Art and PE.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday the PE session is swimming so we will be walking to Grand Central Pools. Wednesday the children will be working with the PE coaches.
What will your child be learning?
This term in English we will be looking at the texts ‘Hound of the Baskervilles' and 'The Promise'. We will be exploring the text through discussion, drama and writing. We will be producing newspaper reports, science reports, diary entries and descriptive pieces of writing. Mrs Simon will also be reading some stories to us.
In Maths we will be looking at fractions and be able to calculate equivalent fractions and simplest forms. This will lead onto decimals and percentages. Finally, we will be looking at how to draw and measure angles. The children all have a log in for TTRockstars and can access this at home at We will be completing daily Times table practice to improve our fluency and automaticity.
In Science, we will be looking at the topic of Materials. In this unit, we discover how some materials can be dissolved. We look at how some materials change when heated and some of these are reversible while some are irreversible. We also think about how we can separate materials through the use of filtering, magnets, sieving and evaporation.
Our Humanities theme includes ‘Victorians' We will be finding out about how Victorians lived and how they changed the way we live today. We will be learning about Queesn Victoria and the Industrial Revolution. This will feed into our Art lessons which are all about L S Lowry.
In RE we will be learning about women in the Old TEstament and the values they possessed. We will be thinking about how they are God's special people. We will then be mving onto our Easter topic thinking about why Christians beleive Easter to be a time of victory.
This year we will have some university students working with our class on a Schools Direct programme. In theSummer term, Mr Lampard will be returning to work in our class and will be teaching a lot of the lessons with Mrs Simon.
Thank you for all your support.
The Year 5 team - Mrs Simon, Miss Beard and Miss Brown
To support maths learning at home please visit the following sites:
Great website for times tables. Children can compete against themselves, others and even the teachers (Mrs Beecher's Rockstar name is Gigi Twig for those that fancy challenging her!) Children have their individual login
Lots of different games in all topics of maths
Questions targeted around year 5 targets. 1 day = 8 questions, answers and video tutorials included
5 questions a day, differing levels of ability
A variety of questions split into different maths topics all targeting year 5 objectives
Lots of reasoning and problem solving activities to get your brain thinking
To support literacy learning at home please visit the following sites:
A variety of questions, split into different literacy topics all targeting year 5 objectives
A large bank of pictures to inspire creative writing
A large collection of videos, images and ideas to inspire creative writing http://www.
Files to Download
Year 5: News items
Afterschool care, by Mrs Rimmer
New communication/payment system, by Mrs Rimmer
Year 5: Gallery items
World Book Day in Year 5, by Mrs Simon
Year 5 Carol Singing at the Care home, by Mrs Simon