Our Gallery
Year 5 Carol Singing at the Care home, by Mrs Simon
Drawing Club, by Miss Campbell
Year 4 Trip to Chester, by Miss Campbell
KS1 nativity, by Mrs Comyn
EYs nativity play, by Mrs Comyn
Our school in springtime, by Mrs Comyn
Freddy Fit Day, by Miss Garner
World Art Club: Kandinsky, Russia, by Miss Garner
World Art Club: Japanese Origami, by Miss Garner
Trip to Staircase House Y2, by Mrs Simon
A visit from Traction Man, by Mrs Simon
Y3 Dental Workshop , by Miss Garner
World Art 1: Chinese Watercolours, by Miss Garner
Year 3 Theseus and the Minotaur drama workshop., by Miss Garner
Lunchtime Zen Den , by Miss Garner
RNLI visit - Year 3, by Miss Garner
Experimenting with Art pencils, by Miss Garner
Gardening club: Making bird feeders, by Miss Garner
Making Iron Age Bread , by Miss Garner
Biscuit-Henge, by Miss Garner
Cave Paintings!, by Miss Garner
Values Day , by Miss Garner
County Litter Pick, by Miss Garner
Archaeologists!, by Miss Garner
Scribble Bots , by Miss Clare