Our Gallery
Snow play for Y3!, by Miss Garner
The day Captain Amazing came to school!, by Mrs Simon
Snow fun for Y4!, by Mrs Comyn
A Wintery snow day at St Matthews, by Mrs Simon
The Archbishop of York Youth Trust, by Mrs Beecher
Theseus and the Minotaur: Drama , by Miss Garner
Year 3's Lego design , by Miss Garner
Year 3's Cave Art , by Miss Garner
Y5 trip to Mellor Primary School, by Mrs Comyn
Freddie Fit, by Mrs Comyn
Ethos Group, by Mrs Comyn
Yr 3 trip: Treak Cliff Cavern, by Miss Garner
AGE UK afternoon tea at St Matthew's Church, by Mrs Comyn
Year 2 getting Healthy!!, by Mrs Simon
Roman Day!, by Miss Livsey
Year 3 and 4 Sportshall Athletics, by Mrs Beecher
Year 3 Values Day activities, by Mrs Simon
Year 5 visit to the Fire and Safety Centre, by Mrs Simon
Year 5 visit the local care home, by Mrs Simon
Royal Wedding Celebrations, by Mrs Simon
Kingdom of God Assembly Year 3, by Mrs Simon
Nest Making!, by Miss Harris
Royal Wedding Scones!, by Miss Harris
Prayer walk with Bishop Libby, by Mrs Comyn
Fruity Kebabs at Baking Club! , by Miss Harris