Covid and resources to support home learning

On this page you can find useful resources and information for all year groups while you're working at home.


The National Literacy Trust has produced a gorgeous 'Book of Hopes' that has contributions from many well-known children's authors and illustrators and is free to download.

You can listen to well-known authors reading their favourite stories on the BookTrust HomeTime here

You can access free, archived newspapers here - why not see if you can discover what happened on the day you were born?

If you have a library card, you can also access ebooks and audiobooks here.

Health and wellbeing

A number of organisations have information on how to stay mentally healthy during lockdown and techniques for helping children relax and manage stress.  Some useful ones can be found here:
Save The Children
NHS Scotland

The lowdown on a range of the best wellbeing apps for kids can be found here.

Safe Hands, Thinking Minds has some useful anxiety resources and videos showing breathing techniques.

The Anna Freud Centre has some useful information about self-care and mental health here.

Free football-themed resources can be accessed here.

Young Minds have produced some information for supporting your child through the Coronavirus, advice on looking after your wellbeing during isolation and support for tricky conversations here

Book Life has produced a free book for children to help them understand and deal with feelings of loneliness - it can be accessed here.

A sound track of lovely, relaxing sounds to help your child get off to sleep can be found on the CBeebies website.


Science Sparks has a whole range of fantastic ideas for doing fun science at home.

ExpeRImental from the Royal Institution can be found here.

You can help scientists with real research at Zooniverse!

Whizzpopbang has a load of free science resources available to use at home.

Explorify has some interesting science ideas for parents and children to do at home.


White Rose Maths  has loads of useful maths activities for all year groups, split into week blocks.

Other useful resources

The Scouts website has put together some fun activities for children to do in the 'great indoors'.

Oak National Academy is a new collection of high-quality lessons and online resources. Backed by the Government, it has been created in response to the coronavirus lockdown.

The Worldwide Fund for Nature has some excellent resources to support learning at home, including quizzes and fun nature facts.

The WWFFN also has a great range of activities to increase children's engagement with nature, using recycled and readily-available materials, here.

Online safety

Think U Know has a range of activities to help you support your child in staying safe online.  These are handily split into age groups, and can be found:
Age 4-5
Age 5-7
Age 8-10

Think U Know has also launched a range of resource packs to support parents during COVID-19.  Each fortnight, they will be releasing new home activity packs with simple 15-minute activities for parents to do with their child to support their online safety at a time when they will be spending more time online at home.  These can be found here.

Files to Download